If you are looking for solace or for something to help you express yourself and fuel your own wide-eyed creativity, I’d recommend “Bowmanville”- sounds that transcend music, time, and places…you just have to be here.
— Daily Music Spin
In the heart of Chicago’s vibrant music scene, a unique sound emerges, echoing the passion and creativity of its originators. Bowmanville, led by the prodigious Ethan Adelsman, is a testament to the transformative power of music and its ability to evolve, inspire, and enthrall.
— SMB Daily News
Bowmanville excels in crafting music that draws inspiration from the past while infusing it with the essence of modernity. The impeccable blend, production, and performance pave the way for Bowmanville to grace top-tier venues and playlists. The album “Bowmanville” is a remarkable release that evokes a desire to listen and embark on a journey through various eras each time. I highly recommend and emphatically insist on giving the “Bowmanville” album a listen. It is truly astonishing and irresistible. Wow!
— SoundVille Blog